The mental health of young people is a pressing issue that demands immediate attention. It is a crisis that has escalated due to the pandemic and other socio-economic challenges. But what happens when young people take control and become the protagonists in the narrative of mental health? That’s precisely what the Mindset Revolution project aims to achieve.
Mindset Revolution is funded by UKRI/ RSA. The partnership is led by the University of Birmingham (Sonia Bussu) and includes: Manchester Metropolitan University (James Duggan, Zarah Eve), Youth Focus North West, Katy Rubin, Platoniq, 42nd Street, Reform Radio, and GM-i Thrive. Leading the whole process young people from Greater Manchester: Ali Coleman, Bolu Onalaja, Charlie, Cicka, Chimwemwe, Dan, Destiny, Jordan, Juliet, Lee, Linton, Maame, Millissa, Mahdiyyah, MJ, Oscar, Prateek, Saira, Sam, Ummay, Zainab, Zara.
One of the key techniques used in this project is Legislative Theater, which employs creativity and art as tools to foster policy change. Through this technique, young people create and perform a theater play that narrates their experience with the mental health system. The audience, comprised of professionals and policymakers, actively participates by offering solutions and committing to implementing changes.
The Platoniq Foundation, a key partner in this project, is providing its Open Spaces as a “haven” for participatory processes of independent communities. Their aim is to accompany strategic participation processes and provide design and facilitation services for hybrid participatory processes to communities that cannot afford such services. Additionally, they are documenting the process and working on a research article on how technology can bring more visibility to these processes.
This new approach always centers on the community, leaving behind the traditional perspective of the Public Administration. By reformulating the concept of “Awesome” to have a real impact on usability for communities, “Precious” will be a new way of embracing and empowering citizen participation. A representative from the foundation will accompany them at every step of the implementation, ensuring they make the most of this new form of participation.
The Mindset Revolution is beginning to demonstrate that change is possible, and there have already been commitments from mental health professionals and policymakers to take actions that can lead to significant change. This project is a first step in a process towards sustainable and rooted participation led by young people.
Young people are undoubtedly the future, but they are also here in the present, ready to be heard and make a difference. The Mindset Revolution is proving that by giving young people the platform and resources they need, they can become agents of change and help shape a brighter future for everyone. The revolution will not only be televised but also led by the youth.
At Mindset Revolution, we believe in citizen participation and in the power of technology to drive change. Join us on this exciting journey towards greater democracy and community well-being! Contact us now and discover how we can transform your strategic participation processes in Open Spaces.